Monday, April 27, 2009

Now...How do we survive this breakup??

Ok, so you get through the big departure and you pledge not to slide back into 'the old shoe'.

How do you make sure that you can accomplish this? Well, here are some ideas. As I said last week, remove any reminders that may be in your home---all pictures of the good times, a gift that was given when things were good, etc. Then do something a little different with the room(s) you and and your 'roomate' spent time in together. Just changing furniture around can somehow make a difference.

Then what to do??? If you don't already have one--get a pet. A pet provides someone to come home to and also someone that keeps you busy if for no other reason then by having to walk him or her. In addition, you constantly meet and talk to people when you are out with your pet, and if you make the pet understand from the beginning that you have things to do away from home and you leave out water, food, and turn on TV, your pet will be absolutely fine. I firmly believe that pets were put on this earth to take care of us humans.

With that understood, you begin to make plans with family and friends as much as you can. Catch up with people you haven't had time for. Indeed have people over..again this gives you something to do in order to keep you distracted from thoughts of "you know who".

In regard to this, try not to inquire about him/her and try to keep the name out of conversations with anyone, including yourself.

Speaking of yourself, are there any things you've put off doing due to a lack of inspiration? Now's a good time to try it. I'm talking about things like writing, photographing, painting, dance lessoning, tinkering, geneology, sports following and playing, car racing,.... and the list goes on.

By the way, writing is a wonderful way to get things resolved in your mind. Think about what you want from life and what may have led you in the wrong direction (only momentarily since now's the time to 'begin again').

Yes, you may want to keep your eyes and ears open for a new love, but remember "a watched pot doesn't boil", so don't make thinking about that your priority. Just 'put it out there' and let the universe take care of the rest.

Most importantly do not berate yourself for having made the mistake of spending time with this person whom you eventually knew was wrong for you. That time spent was just a 'bump in the road' of go on and enjoy yourself!!

Hope this session was helpful. Let me know if there are any subjects you would like me to address and I'll do my best to accomodate.

Dr. Mimi Scott

visit me at:

1 comment:

Copyright 2010 by Carol Scibelli said...

Hi Mims,
I like what you wrote about letting the universe take care of the rest. So true. You're smart.
How about some humor, though?
You're funnier than you are writing.
Tried to become your follower, but don't think it took.
Love you,