Friday, September 25, 2009


This past week was a week from hell! The cold I developed the week before this one morphed into a sinus infection that produced a headache such as I had never experienced. What made the week a horror for me however was all that I had to deal with while in this state.

I'm in the midst of trying to solidify a loan modification on my lakehouse which if made permanent will allow me to keep it. They periodically have no information for me on the status of this loan, or they need, on an immediate basis, my whole financial life's records. That was what came up this week.

I had to meet an October 15th tax extension for 2008 with a brand new accountant here in Florida and get every bit of paperwork to his office within a day of getting the appointment.

I am still desperately seeking to re-obtain my domain name of 'drmimiscott' for my website that you may recall was stolen. It is impossible to describe the difficulty in attempting to get a voice on the phone to help with this. When I finally did, they too, asked for all sorts of financial records for review for their legal department. Each day of the week I was faxing 12-20 pages of information someplace.

Nevertheless, with a continually throbbing head, I was able to take every assignment to it's current conclusion----why??? Because my homes have always been 'in order' when it comes to record keeping. Since I was a kid, my desk had to be in order for me to proceed with any kind of paper work. Running theatres well before computers, I kept manilla folders on everything and always made a copy of everything I put into effect. My life has always been dominated by lists.

Ironically I find that unless a room is 'in order' I cannot begin any other kind of work. I know many brilliant and accomplished people who work amidst a cluttered atmosphere, but it is my theory that for most people in order to achieve, to any significant extent, the clutter must be removed from one's atmosphere and thus from one's head in order to accomplish.

When I was younger my schoolwork had a plan, and later my theatre experience and my practice were highly organized...but the headaches brought about this week were, before his death, the responsibility of my late husband Barry Scott. On my own since his death, and while my son is without question my mentor and advisor, it is still up to me to 'keep my records in order'. Therefore this week, at a moment's notice, I was able to place my hands on social security, pension, medicare, AARP Rx information, as well as on all checking account statistics, investment records and on and on and on, in order to fax out the relevant papers immediately.

My point...if I was any less 'in order' I would have been totally unable to deal with any of this, especially while sick and still caring for (also on an extremely well planned schedule) my four pups.

So this week I am ' prescribing' for each and every one of you reading this---the development of an orderly life. It not only helps out on a momentary basis, but it also provides a lifetime of satisfaction and accomplishment. And.... it is never too late to redirect these efforts.

Hope my spouting about what has worked for me personally, is not offensive, but truly something that many of you will be open to considering.

Once again I hope you enjoyed this session.

Dr. Mimi Scott
917 846-2449

Sunday, September 20, 2009


As promissed two week ago, my review of my new show FROM BROADWAY TO HOLLYWOOD
My Life in Song, should be rated A+....not by any legitimate source but by my own soul. Performed last Thursday, right before the start of Rosh Hashannah, at the most well known Jewish Community Center in South Florida, the faces on this senior audience as they sang along almost every number with me, gave me a wonderful sense of "right time, right place, right thing to be doing"...therefore the A+.

I watched Oprah this week doing her 'retro' of Michael Jackson, and I was really touched by a question she asked him. It went something like: When did you figure out what you were 'supposed to do, because most of us are still struggling with that? It made me wonder how many of us do take the time to ask ourselves 'what are we supposed to do?'. Or in other words:
'What is our mission in this life...what are we here to do/give/accomplish? I stood there last Thursday knowing that this is 'what I am supposed to do'. If one has the capacity to make any person or group of persons, especially those with losses (such as seniors who are not 'movin like they used to') simply feel happier, even if it is for a moment, then one is 'doing what he or she is supposed to be doing'!

I remember learning once at a Torah study that even the homeless man or woman in the doorway is doing what he or she is 'supposed to be doing' because they are here to remind us how fortunate we are, and in turn they sit there to stir up inside us a certain generosity.

I have a new friend who helped me prepare and execute my little show, who is very clear about what he is here to do in this life. A trained scientist/engineer he was on the team that designed the ultra sound, the MRI and the PET scan. He continues to figure out new ways to save people through technology. He's obviously doing 'what he's supposed to do' and it's not being my sound/prop man. Yet by helping me he was still giving to people in need. A special thank you on all levels from all of us to Abe.

How many of you out there are really clear on what you're here to do? If you're on my reading list you have my respect for whatever it is you do, because allowing special people into our framework of friends is also something 'we are supposed to do'. As I've written earlier when someone in our life's framework is toxic to our energy and in turn keeps us from that which we are 'supposed to do'--it is time to clean house and get rid of the poisons in it. Sometimes simply taking them out of our house is a good solution and may allow us to relate to them but at a healthier distance.

At this time of the Fall when school begins again and the Jewish High Holy Days call for a reflection of ourselves, it may be the right time for all of us, no matter what denomination, to 'take stock' and think about what we are 'supposed to do' with the wonderful mind, body, skills, talents and soul that brought us here.

Love to you all and hoping you enjoyed this session.

Dr. Mimi Scott
917 846-2449

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I'm hoping that none of you readers have ever been raped...nor have I physically, but something that happened to me this week certainly felt that way.

Last Sunday night someone happened to ask me for my website address ( I gave it to him and he immediately punched it in and told me it wasn't there. I thought he was completely mistaken and went to my computer to find he was right! All it said was (a default site). I was of course beside myself, but told myself I would call the outfit---Pumkinfish--in the morning and get it resolved. I did so first thing in the morning and found that the number for the contact person, Chris Wilson, was disconnected. I then emailed him and the email was immediately returned. Next I went to the Pumkinfish website and found that they had the same message and 'default site' as was on my website. Later I found that they had left the office in the building in which it was housed in Ft. Lauderdale. Still later I found that a home address inhabited by some sister in law, claimed those involved had been gone since May to nowhere she knew. Obviously---somebody(s) had to 'get outta town fast"!!

My week of course was spent with people who knew about websites trying to help me recover what I could. You have probably figured out by now, that this Ph.D had not had the smarts to make sure she had a copy when she spent a small fortune having this website designed and maintained, and I must say (and all of you who had viewed it certainly said) it was a fabulous website. But it was more than that---it was truly my history and could be seen as a legacy. Indeed one of my granddaughters who just started BU, as mentioned last week, gathered some new friends in her room and wanted to show them the upset she was that it wasn't there! I cannot express how terrible I felt when she called in amazement.

To me it was as though I had been violated. As though someone had broken into my home and stolen my most precious possession.!! By week's end we have hopes to recover the domain name, but the vendor claims that these people, Pumkinfish, defaulted in June and two weeks later all their files were deleted! However I viewed it in early August, as did someone who found employment for me as a result, and I cannot understand how a file deleted in June was still there in August! Any help with this would be appreciated.

My point in blogging about all this is two fold. If you put your heart and soul into any project anywhere make absolutely certain you have copied and backed up every part of it. Also be very very careful about whom you choose to deal with. And if you are buying a long term service (such as insurance) continually check to see that they are alive and well. These fellows seemed like lovely young men and they had been recommended to me very highly. I have been advised to go after them, but before I pay for a PI to find them and try to sue, I have to evaluate if it is worth spending the money in order to retrieve nothing. All I really want is my beautiful website.

Of course I'll be working on this recovery for a while, and I am beginning to look at the materials I have in order to rebuild another site. But for now all I am actually doing is trying to move on from this disaster and prepare myself for something much greater.

Next week I have my first booking at a major JCC here in South Florida of FROM BROADWAY TO HOLLYWOOD...My life in Song. This is an act I have prepared with the intention of bringing joy to older people (of which we have a surplus here), but which is turning into something that may bring pleasure to all ages while bringing some financial gain to me. I won't be writing again until after this first gig, as next week I'll be up north for the memorial of my son in law's father. So 'hang in there' and I'll give you my review in two weeks. Meantime enjoy the summer's end and the newness of the Fall.

Thanks for reading.

Dr. Mimi Scott
8917 846-2449