Sunday, February 19, 2012


For years my daughter had said:

"Everyone should write a memoir,if for no other reason than to inform grandchildren and great grandchildren what you were all about in order that they can better understand where thay came from and who they are".

I really understood what she meant right away, because I wished my own father had recorded all his thoughts before he died. I considered him a truly 'great man' and wished that the world had been able to read all about him.

Well, largely due to my granddaughter Chelsea, I began writing a memoir
seven years ago. Luckily and surprisingly my memory really served me well. But I found that a memoir doesn't only record the events of one's life, but his or her own feelings about all the events, and how what took place really shapes who one becomes.
Even more importantly the memoir becomes a document that the author can refer to as he or she ages and wants to be reminded of the stuff that brought the tears and the laughter into an author's life. So as you move along, make notes and make a commitment to yourself to do this. Rather than therapy, read your book. The revelations about yourself become an amazing therapeutic element of the process. all my faithful, for the incredible price of $2.99, may puchase my memoir called DOIN' WHAT CAME NATUR'LLY simply by going to and next to the All Departments, type in the above title. You can download it not only to all of your various devices, but if you are not that technically wise, simply download it to your personal computer. All downlaods are free.

Not to sound obnoxious, but those who have already read my memoir had all very positive things to say about it. Hope you all will too. No matter what, it is easy and quick to read (all 400+ pages),especailly on all ebook, IPad devices, etc. I'm enjoying it all over again on my Kindle,(which I have thanks to my son who did not want me to remain technically challenged).

Sorry I haven't been so in touch these last few months, but aside from getting the book published, I have a new musical I've written with a great composer and new friend, Nate Kaplan called Mah Jongg, The Musical. Indeed tomorrow are auditions for the reading at the end of March.

Finally, we've made some really nice jewelry from my art which we will begin marketing in the near it's been kinda busy...but when you read Doin' What Came Natur'lly you'll probably notice that this pace was the constant throughout my life...Read it---you'll probably find out a lot about your self.

Hope you enjoyed this session.


Mimi Scott, Ph.d
212 721-2979


Anonymous said...

This is so very true. Your children are so wise. No one knows the authentic you, the whys of your behavior are rooted deeply in your past. I am told the first two years are the important ones. They form the basis for one's entire journey. I am so proud to be able to say I impacted more than 14 tiny people, the first year of their journey through life. I know I made a difference.

Anonymous said...

This is so very true. Your children are so wise. No one knows the authentic you, the whys of your behavior are rooted deeply in your past. I am told the first two years are the important ones. They form the basis for one's entire journey. I am so proud to be able to say I impacted more than 14 tiny people, the first year of their journey through life. I know I made a difference.

Anonymous said...

This is so very true. Your children are so wise. No one knows the authentic you, the whys of your behavior are rooted deeply in your past. I am told the first two years are the important ones. They form the basis for one's entire journey. I am so proud to be able to say I impacted more than 14 tiny people, the first year of their journey through life. I know I made a difference.