Sunday, November 28, 2010


Have you experienced the thrill of seeing your desktop cleared recently (I mean the real one, not the computer one)? Or have you recently resolved issues with your spouse, kids, parents or best friends? If may be on your way to some happiness. Don't jump for joy yet...just keep it close to the chest.

Have the headaches subsided a bit? How's the back? Still need the cane? Is the rash still there? Of the 8 physical problems you've been having, are maybe 1-2 going away? If so you may think about celebrating soon.

Ever since you've found yourself unable to shop in the same stores you were a year or two ago, have you noticed the Merona line in Target? Or the grocery level at Walmart's?

I guess what I am trying to get across, is the fact that our bills and paperwork can keep us in a constant state of stress----so take a day and clean up your desktop (the wooden one). Realize that of the 10 crises that the family issues daily, maybe the ability to fix one, or by some stroke of luck even TWO, you are actually sitting pretty! Same holds true for ailment numbers...if you are not scheduled to die from cancer---you're not just sitting pretty, but standing there strikingly gorgeous! And if you can find a $20.00 black dress that takes you to a formal affair (as I recently did)---you are in good shape in every sense of the word!

A clear desk, an ability to stand and walk, something to eat and to wear which make you
feel good and look great, and friends and family who generally are doing well, all may just be what equals that which is known as HAPPINESS! Recognize and enjoy it!!

Hope you enjoyed today's session as well as the holiday turkey!

Respectfully submitted*

Mimi Scott, Ph.d
212 721-2979
917 846-2449

*Check out the new headshot

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