Sunday, July 21, 2013
Have you ever gone through a blank period? Nothing excites you. Nothing makes sense and nothing seems to motivate you. It's easier to stay in then to go out. TV is enough company. We've probably all been there at one time or another. I'd like to say that "this too shall pass", but unfortunately it isn't that simple. It still takes something from you in order to "pass", and instruction from friends and family can sometimes push you further away from taking action....and that is what is ultimately required "taking action".
Those of you reading this who know me personally are aware that along with my psychotherapy work, I am very active in the theatre and the stage is my second home. I often help clients who are 'stuck' so to speak by offering a little from the world of 'acting'. There are two methods of conveying a certain emotion on the stage. Let's say the actor has to come across as really cold (literally). He/she may remember being outside on an extremely cold winter day when warmth is still far away. In doing so the actor tries to realize what it felt like hiking home and freezing (just writing this makes me shiver). The actor senses exactly how he or she felt at that moment in time and indeed usually comes across 'cold' on the stage.
The second 'method' of trying to come across 'cold' happens from the 'outside--in' so to speak.
In trying to appear 'cold' the actor may choose to put a collar up and to cross his or her arms while rubbing up and down from the shoulder to the elbow. He or she may also try running in place and closing hands around the mouth while breathing out. In doing all the above the actor soon feels 'cold'.
The same can be true in life. If the aim is to 'wake up' and 'smell the roses', or put another way
"get your ass outa bed and get going" there are also two diffferent ways to get oneself out of the funk. You may sit and think through what is going on and mentally make a list of what you can to to activate may even write up the list and in very small steps begin to take action while checking off each step as you take it. OR you can try the second method and and actually do all the things that you know to do in order to feel or 'be' more alive. Number one...get outta bed and get dressed. Then make yourself, or go out for something to eat that you really enjoy. Then contact someone who makes you feel good by text, phone or whatever. Make plans to do something and do it! Before you know it you will find some of that 'old spirit' is invading your body. Keep it all up until it's natural again.
After a heart attack several months ago when the prescption for me was to rest. rest and rest some more...I soon found myself in that funk....soooooo I disobeyed and not only got out of bed, but I got dressed; put on make up and even jewelry----just to walk the dogs!! But slowly I'm still getting back to normal and of course, the theatre once again is getting me there. Plans are in place for my show Mah Jongg the Musical to be performed at Don't Tell Mama, Manhattan's number one Cabaret Club on west 46th street in midtown. Rehearsals actually begin next week. Sooooo I'm certainly happy to be 'finding that old spirit'.
Hope you enjoyed this session as much as I did writing it..
Respectfully submitted
Mimi Scott, Ph.D
212 721-2979
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