Sunday, January 17, 2010


Initially we fight for that first breath. Then we have to deal with the bullies all through our school years that want us to be losers so they can be winners. Somehow we have to win them over so that they do not destroy our spirit.

We must fight to be able to study through all this so that we can get to the right school in order to fight our way to the right university where we have to fight to stay in until we win that degree. All this so that we can engage in the fight for the job that affords us the right to live without worry. And with success comes the fight to stay on the top.

We have to fight our way back to happiness after the heartbreak of a lost romance, mate, or child. We have to fight our way back from illness and we have to help those around us fight their way back from whatever disaster they are experiencing, as no fight can be won without support.

We have to fight those who would terrorize us all through our life. And sometimes the terror comes from a natural disaster, such as our Haiitian friends are fighting right now. We must do what we can to support them. God bless those who are fighting their way through the muck and stench just to be able to give that holy kind of support.

And ya know what?? Ya can't win 'em all!! Sometimes ya have to fight to realize 'just that' so that you can move on. Some of us are lucky enough to be winners and others of us are destined to fight the fact that we are losers....and ya know what? Maybe that ain't so bad. Ya can always find other losers and form a group that sticks their tongues out at the winners!

And sometimes we have to fight to grow old with dignity...not to 'give up the fight' but to stay alive and breathe in the beauty that is there when we open our eyes and look outside. Use whatever tools are available to carry on life's that indeed you can wind up a winner!