Sunday, December 26, 2010


Last weekend with 100 friends and family, I celebrated my 70th birthday as well as the launching of my memoir book called DOIN WHAT CAME NATUR'LLY, the merry, madcap n' moxie memoirs of Mimi Scott. It was one of the most special and wonderful nights of my entire life. And the reviews of the book are coming in and delighting me.

I'm still amazed that it all took place. I felt like Job in the Bible all Fall. I was plagued with one ailment after another...three procedures/surgeries; about 1000 doctor visits, and a body that just wouldn't perform. Much of the time, I simply couldn't walk. BUT...I knew I had to get better, because I was looking toward that silver lining that was my special birthday, and the arrival of 100 of my brand new memoir books.

The whole experience taught me that one can get through anything if one has a goal, or if one can see 'the silver lining' in the cloud. Just the continual work putting the book together and completing it, and then seeing that the party would be the best ever (with great participation from my son Jeffrey and his wife Lisa), gave me something to concentrate on and to distract me from all that was going on physically. With a little help from something magical called 'cortisone' injected into my shoulder, my back (in a few places) and two doses into my knee, I was indeed able to enjoy that most terrific event...performing and dancing the night away!!

If anyone out there is having a really bad time healthwise, set some goals for yourself. Writing is a wonderful way to occupy one's self, as is painting which I began doing last year (my entire apartment is now covered with my canvasses). Maybe there is something you've been thinking about inventing, or putting's the time to do it. And there is always all that reading you have had no time to do. Pick a date and tell yourself what you want to have accomplished by it. If there is some weight you want to lose or gain, be creative about it and use that same date to set as your goal toward that accomplishment. This is more than the resolutions that we will all most definitely make next week to begin the New Year. This is a way of 'getting through' when mentally or physically you feel down...which happens to us all.

Take my word that these past few months have allowed me to see what a beautiful silver lining there is no matter how dark the just have to know it is there; find it and enjoy it to the fullest when it appears.

I wish you all a wonderful New Year filled with only pink clouds!!

Hope you enjoyed this session. And, by the way, I've begun practicing now that I'm really settled back here in New York City, so please contact me if you or anyone you know would like some (very reasonable) help. I'll also be starting a group for women of any age who are alone (or not) number(s) are below. Thanks for your help.

Mimi Scott, Ph.d
212 721-2979
917 846-2449