Sunday, August 15, 2010


The concept of courage is most frequently associated, and not inappropriately, with our beloved soldiers who put themselves in danger as they face the enemy. They are our heroes because of the courage they show. But the demonstration of courage is not reserved for our soldiers alone. We all demonstrate courage in a variety of ways.

As children we learn to be courageous when we encounter danger from that first 'injection'. We are told to 'keep a stiff upper lip' and most likely 'not to cry'. We go on to learn to be courageous when we suffer losses...whether they be in the ball park, in the classroom or even at home. Sometimes our physical or our mental capacity prevents us from doing or becoming that which we had dreamed of becoming. It takes courage just to 'move on' and not to just 'quit'. It takes courage sometimes just to stand up to those who would bully, and later on to grown up bullies who would like to prevent us from simply stating our point of view. It often takes courage just to 'stand up and be counted'...not to be cowed by others.

Indeed it takes courage to be a leader. To grab onto an idea and to manage to convey what you want to do to numbers of others who will then follow your lead and bring whatever it is to fruition. You must fight the battle of negativity from those who would defeat you.
This takes courage.

And it takes courage to bring about change both in your own personal world, or in the world around you. With all that is going on today in our country as well as in the world at large, if you have an idea that just may bring about the courage to voice it!! It takes courage not to just 'bury our heads in the sand'. A hero is one who makes the commitment to voice his thought, and to keep voicing it until someone listens.

Most importantly, it takes courage to create a change in one's own life. And it can be very scary. If you find yourself in a 'rut' (and they are often dangerous as well as depressing), find the courage to somehow make the change. If you are not where you think you ought to be, find the courage to change your path.

Being in the midst of a major change right at this moment has it's frightening aspects. Just moving from anyplace else into New York city is a shock to the system...a system that's been surrounded by a more peaceful atmosphere for a while. New York city is not peaceful. But it is the most energizing and invigorating place in the world. I am garnering all my 'courage' up to both experience all that I can just by living here, yet at the same time to keep the sense of peace that just the coziness of one's living and working atmosphere can provide. It is exciting and frightening at the same time. But I have my 'courageous' self to rely on.

Wish me well as I do you...and if you are someone who is around to take and hold my hand for a moment I would be delighted to have you do so. You see sometimes it takes a kind of courage just to ask.

Hope you enjoyed this session. Looking forward to your comments.

Mimi Scott, Ph.D
212 721-2979
917 846-2449