Wednesday, September 23, 2015


It's been way too long since I've written you all....but I thought the Holiday was a perfect time to reconnect with all of you, and since this is the Day of Atonement for the Jewish people, I'd like to atone for 'not keeping in touch with my beloved friends and family', all of whom mean so very much to me.
Actually the subject of this blog should be RECONNECTING, especially since I seem to let life get in the way of my connections to all my friends, family and blog readers.   Since Yom Kippur  introduces a brand new start to a brand new year, my resolution is simply to connect once again starting right now.
It's refreshing for Jews to have this holiday as it comes at the beginning of the school year (which for me still remains the beginning of the year even though it's been awhile since my life revolved around school).
I must also remember to say how very grateful I am always for my two companions who are with me both day and night---Lucie and Lorilu.  They rank right up there with God's gifts to me.  Which brings me to a recommendation. If one finds himself or herself more alone for whatever reason, at whatever time in life, a pet can make all the difference.  Just having their fur next to you for you to pet brings sooo much comfort.  And you won't find a better friend.
Finally, if you find me on your missing list, know that it is not intentional and don't let it keep you from contacting me....If you are on this list, you are in my heart.  And let me take this moment to wish you all, no matter what religion, a wonderful year full of all good things.
Respectfully yours